Indholdet på denne side vedrører regeringen Helle Thorning-Schmidt I (2011-14)

HTS Statsministerens møde med lederen af UN Women, Michelle Bachelet

UN Womens eksekutivdirektør, den tidligere chilenske præsident Michelle Bachelet, besøger i disse dage Danmark for bl.a. at deltage i Global Green Growth Forum. Statsministeren mødtes i dag med Bachelet for bl.a. at drøfte kvinders stilling og rettigheder globalt, kvindernes rolle i det arabiske forår samt kvinders bidrag til fred og sikkerhed samt grøn vækst.

I forbindelse med mødet underskrev statsministeren en erklæring med henblik på at fremme kvinders politiske deltagelse, som en række kvindelige leder verden over på Bachelets initiativ har tilsluttet sig. Erklæringen blev præsenteret under FN’s generalforsamling i år og har bl.a. Brasiliens præsident Dilma Rousseff, USA’s udenrigsminister Hillary Rodham Clinton, EU’s udenrigsrepræsentant Catherine Ashton samt Finlands præsident Tarja Halonen som underskrivere. Den fælles erklæring er indsat nedenfor.

Statsministeren udtaler i den forbindelse:
”Sikring af kvinders rettigheder og lige muligheder er en vigtig prioritet for min regering. Det gælder ikke mindst på det udviklingspolitiske område, hvor Danmark er førende i den globale ligestillingsindsats. Et af de områder, hvor Danmark vil samarbejde med UN Women, er styrkelsen af kvinders politiske deltagelse. Jeg er derfor glad for at kunne underskrive den fælles erklæring, som en række kvindelige ledere verden over også har tilsluttet sig. Sammen sender vi et stærkt signal om, at kvinders ret til at deltage i politiske beslutningsprocesser skal respekteres.”

Joint Statement On Advancing Women’s Political Participation

We, the undersigned Heads of State and Government, Foreign Ministers, High Representatives, and senior UN officials affirm that women’s political participation is fundamental to democracy and essential to the achievement of sustainable development and peace.

We reaffirm the human right of women to take part in the Governments of their countries, directly or through freely chosen representatives, on an equal basis with men, and that all States should take affirmative steps to respect and promote women’s equal right to participate in all areas and at all levels of political life.

We stress the critical importance of women’s political participation in all contexts, including in times of peace, conflict and in all stages of political transition.

We recognize the essential contributions women around the world continue to make to the achievement and maintenance of international peace and security and to the full realization of human rights; to the promotion of sustainable development; and to the eradication of poverty, hunger and disease. Even so, we are concerned that women in every part of the world continue to be largely marginalized from decision-making, often as a result of discriminatory laws, practices, and attitudes, and due to poverty disproportionately affecting women.

We reaffirm our commitment to the equal rights and inherent human dignity of women enshrined in the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other relevant international human rights instruments. We call upon all States to ratify and fulfill their obligations under the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and to implement fully Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security and other relevant UN resolutions.

We call upon all States, including those emerging from conflict or undergoing political transitions, to eliminate all discriminatory barriers faced by women, particularly marginalized women, and we encourage all States to take proactive measures to address the factors preventing women from participating in politics, such as violence, poverty, lack of access to quality education and health care, the double burden of paid and unpaid work, and to actively promote women’s political participation, including through affirmative measures, as appropriate.

We reaffirm and express full support for the important role of the United Nations system in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women, and we welcome UN Women and its mandate in this regard.