
Statsminister Mette Frederiksens tale i Folketinget i anledning af besøg fra Ukraines præsident Zelenskyy


Det talte ord gælder.

Mr. President Zelenskyy.

First Lady Ms. Zelenska

Mr. Speaker.

Honored guests.

Dear friends.

Today is a proud day for Denmark.

We have a special guest.

A man of extraordinary courage.

A true hero. The very face of Ukraine’s fight for freedom.

A man I am happy to call my friend.

* * *

Dear President Zelenskyy.

It’s an honor to welcome you and the First Lady here in Copenhagen. In Folketinget – the heart of the Danish democracy.

Your visit makes us proud. And humble.

Since the very beginning of this brutal war, we have followed the war through the Danish media. Supported your brave fight.

I am thankful for the full and strong support from the entire Danish Parliament.

Political parties from left to right – all united in the same wish: To help Ukraine as much as possible.

This is a very unique political situation.

A unity that truly underlines Denmark’s firm support for Ukraine’s fight for freedom.

* * *

But that is not all.

You have many other friends here in Denmark.

If you look around this room.

You see people who have worked hard to find ways to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

Danish companies, NGO’s, private citizens.

And there are many more. All around Denmark.

All sharing the same belief: That Ukraine has to win this war. That Ukraine will be free again.

We are all committed to stand by you. Until peace and justice is restored.

* * *

Dear President.

On behalf of the Danish people: Thank you for your trust in us.

Denmark – all of Denmark – stands behind you.

Because we know that your fight is our fight.

We also know that what counts – is action. Delivering on the ground.

Mr. Zelenskyy.

Denmark might be a small country.

But our will is strong.

And we keep our word.

For as long as it takes. You can count on the Danes. And Denmark.