Indholdet på denne side vedrører regeringen Mette Frederiksen I (2019-2022)

Statsminister Mette Frederiksens tale ved P4G 2021

Det talte ord gælder.


Mr President.


Ladies and gentlemen.


Denmark and the Republic of Korea are both surrounded by sea. We are all familiar with strong winds blowing.

As many Danes riding their bike to work or school every day will tell you – this does not always feel like a blessing.

But over the past thirty years, we have seen those winds change our country.

Today, fifty percent of Denmark’s electricity comes from wind and solar.

Green jobs now outnumber jobs in fossils.

And onshore wind is the cheapest energy source. In Denmark, as in most countries. Cheaper than gas. And cheaper than coal.


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In Denmark, green transition does not happen at the expense of society. No, it drives our society forward.

Creates jobs. For thousands of people.

Since the oil crisis in the seventies, Danish governments have worked closely with the private sector – to explore the potential of green energy.

Last year, we established thirteen climate partnerships with all parts of Danish business.

We are soon building the world first energy island. Entering a new era of clean energy.


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Partnerships are the backbone of Denmark’s green journey.

If we want to fight climate change, we have to work together. Governments, industries, citizens. Across the globe.

That is what we hope to pass on through P4G: Climate action brought about by the right political decisions and strong partnerships. Between our countries. And between sectors.

We are now on the road to COP26. Now is the time to showcase new green solutions. And scale them.


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Mr. President.

Thank you for hosting this important summit. And thank you for all you do for the climate. And for your support for P4G.

Denmark is proud to partner with the Republic of Korea.

We have come far. And we can go even further.

Let’s share experiences and learn from each other.

And act now for our green future – together.

Thank you.