
Statsministerens tale ved World Pride Copenhagen 21. august 2021


Det talte ord gælder.


Love is never wrong.

That is my message for you today.

No matter who you are. Or where you live. Or whom you love.

Love is never wrong.

A message so clear, it goes without saying.

But right now, we need to say it. Loud and proud.

Love is never wrong.

That is what we have done here in Copenhagen during the past ten days.

Copenhagen dressed in rainbow colours. People from all over the world – welcome to our capital.

Denmark is a pioneer when it comes to LGBTI+ rights. And standing here today, looking at you, I feel both proud and thankful.

You lead the way. Thank you.

* * *

We have come far.

Yet, the fight is not over.

We step forwards. Unfortunately, sometimes we also step backwards.

Also here in Europe.

Hateful laws and practices. Discrimination. Hate crimes.

The fight is not over.

No one should have to hide their love. No one should have to deny who they are.

So today, I want to send a clear message to my colleagues in Europe – and the rest of the world:

We need to stand up and fight for diversity.

This is the time to must stand firm upon Europe’s core values. Dignity. Equality. Solidarity. Respect for human rights.

We all have a responsibility to say no to discrimination and hate.

For your sake. For the sake of us all.

* * *

Allow me to say a few words to the Danish audience.

Kære alle sammen.

Tak for en fuldstændig fantastisk Pride her i København.

Tak, fordi I viser vejen for resten af verden.

Kampen er ikke slut ude i verden. Og heller ikke herhjemme.

Næsten hver tredje LGBTI-person i Danmark har følt sig diskrimineret inden for det seneste år.

Mere end hver fjerde oplever, at de ikke altid kan være åbne om deres seksualitet eller kønsidentitet.

Og næsten halvdelen har undladt at holde deres partner i hånden i offentligheden.

Det går ikke i Danmark.

Vi står på skuldrene af dem, der har kæmpet.

Lad os love hinanden i dag, at kampen aldrig stopper.

Alle har ret til at være den, de er. Alle har ret til at være en del af vores fællesskab. Alle har ret til at elske den, de vil.

Love is never wrong. Love is always right.

Have a fantastic party tonight!